Student life: the best discount sites

With student loans, maintenance grants and the expense of living the pressure to spend your pennies wisely, is fairly overwhelming. One way to help yourself (and your bank account) is to use student discounts. Discounts run the gamut: groceries, home-ware, tech, stationery, nights out, activities. You name it, you’re almost guaranteed to find a student discount for it. However…

With student status, comes much information on discounts (that’s the saying right..?) It’s hard to sift through the barrage of deals, discounts and vouchers to find the bargains that you really want, and will actually use.


My recommendation would be to sign up to the below sites, and before you make any purchases whatsoever – ask the golden question: “Do you offer any student discounts?”. A lot of shops/restaurants/venues don’t display their discounts, so don’t be afraid to ask, or put off.

Worthwhile student discount sites (in my opinion):

Hint: you’ll need to register/validate these accounts using your university/college email address.

Student Beans –


NUS extra –

Some current great deals are – up to 50% off orders on Ticketmaster (with Student Beans), 25% off tickets for the National Express (with NUS extra) and 10% off your shopping at Morrisons (with UNiDAYS).

So, if you’re looking to buy a new laptop, go to the theatre, do your next food shop or invest in some Post-It notes – you can do so with a lighter heart and a heavier wallet.

Happy spending – and saving!

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